Diversity in Academic Libraries Interest Group-South
a CARL Interest Group


Article I. Name

Sec.1. The name of this organization shall be Diversity in Academic Libraries Interest Group-South (DIAL-South).


Article II. Affiliation

Sec. 1. Diversity in Academic Libraries Interest Group-South shall be an Interest Group of the California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL). DIAL-South shall follow the CARL Constitution and Bylaws.

Sec. 2. DIAL-South and DIAL-North shall have separate governance.

Sec. 3. Collaboration with DIAL-North is encouraged.


Article III. Objectives

Sec.1 The objectives of DIAL-South shall be to promote

a)     an understanding and sensitivity about services and resources for the diverse students/faculty using California academic libraries.

b)    equity and racial/ethnic diversity within the profession.

These objectives will be accomplished through  advocacy and sponsorship of workshops, seminars, and conference programs where issues of professional concern can be discussed. DIAL-South provides opportunities for professional development, education, advocacy and participation for its members, and works with other California organizations in order to improve understanding, and identify unique resources and services to diverse populations in the academic and research community.


Article IV. Membership

Sec. 1. All DIAL-South members must be members of CARL.

Sec. 2. Any CARL member may become a member of DIAL-South by indicating each year on the CARL application form that DIAL membership is desired and paying the appropriate annual CARL dues.

Sec. 3. No additional dues shall be required for DIAL-South membership.

Sec. 4. DIAL-L. All DIAL-South members shall have the opportunity to subscribe to DIAL-L discussion list.


Article V. Officers, Terms, Responsibilities

Sec. 1.  Officers shall be members of DIAL-South.

Sec. 1.1. The elected officers shall be two Co-Chairs, Secretary, Registrar, and Historian.

Sec. 2. Terms of Office. The Co-Chairs shall serve for two consecutive years with staggered terms.  The following officers shall serve for one year: Secretary, Registrar, and Historian.  There shall be no limit to the number of terms any of these officers may serve.

Sec. 3. Vacancies. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining officers of the Interest Group.

Sec. 4. Co-Chairs. The Co-Chairs shall:

a)     convene and chair meetings;

b)    appoint committees or individuals for programs and special projects, including DIAL-South Webmaster;

c)     serve as liaison between DIAL-South and CARL and submit reports as required by CARL;

d)    appoint officers to fill vacancies;

e)     oversee all Interest Group activities.

Sec. 5. Secretary. The Secretary shall:

a)     take and distribute minutes of the meetings and forward a copy to the appropriate CARL Interest Group Coodinator;

b)    perform other duties as required.

Sec. 6. Registrar. The Registrar shall:

a)   handle DIAL-South program registration;

b)   collect program registration fees and report to the CARL Treasurer;

c)    perform other duties as required.

Sec. 7. Historian.  The Historian shall:

a)     establish and maintain an archive of DIAL-South activities.

b)    perform other duties as required.


Article VI. Steering Committee

Sec. 1. The Steering Committee shall be composed of elected officers.

Sec. 2. Voting members include the elected officers and those DIAL-South members in attendance at meetings.


Article VII. Meetings

Sec. 1. The Interest Group shall meet at least twice yearly. All meetings are open to any DIAL-South member.


Article VIII. Nominations and Elections

Sec. 1. Elected Officers. One Co-Chair, Registrar, Secretary, and the Historian shall be elected each year.

Sec. 2. Nominating Committee. The Steering Committee shall act as a Nominating Committee or the Co-Chairs shall appoint a Nominating Committee of CARL-DIAL-South members.

Sec. 3. Elections. Elections shall be held annually in the fall.

Sec. 3.1. If there is only one candidate for each office, the officers shall be elect by acclamation. If there is more than one candidate for an office, a secret ballot election shall be held at the fall meeting.

Sec. 3.2 All DIAL-South members in attendance at the fall meeting may vote. If requested, electronic voting of active members will be permitted with the prior approval of the Co-Chairs. A plurality vote elects.


Article IX. Programs

Sec. 1. The Interest Group shall sponsor at least one regional program each year.

Sec. 2. Refer to the CARL Interest Group Program Planning Manual.


Article X. Amendments

Sec. 1. Any member may suggest bylaws amendment(s) to the Steering Committee at any time during the year.

Sec. 1.1. If a majority of the members in attendance agree, amendments shall be submitted to DIAL-L for comment.

Sec. 1.2. Amendments shall be approved by a majority vote of the membership in attendance at the next DIAL-South business meeting.




DIAL-South Bylaws, latest revision 01/12/06;

Approved: 01/13/05